We are gathering basic scientific facts about SARS-Cov2 virus, Covid-19 disease, and recent scientific advances on potential diagnosis and treatment methods. We will be sharing these presentations, prepared by IBG researchers, here. Ultimately, our goal is to increase the scientific awareness on the pandemic.
SCIENTIFIC FACTS SERIES 1: Introduction to SARS-Cov2: Classification, Zoonosis and Viral Cycle
Dr. Zeynep Koçer, the research leader of Emerging Viral Diseases Laboratory at IBG, has summarised the basic classification of viruses, talked about the virus family that Coronaviruses are in, and explained the history of known Coronavirus outbreaks in the world. She, then, went into details of pathogen transmission between animals and human. Lastly, she answered some questions on how the virus attaches to the host cell, how it can proliferate, and structural properties of the virus proteins. You can access her presentation from here:
SCIENTIFIC FACTS SERIES 2: Immunology of Covid-19
Dr.s Duygu Sağ and Gerhard Wingender, the group leaders of Cancer Immunology and Innate-Like T Cells Laboratories respectively, presented the essential information on the types of immune responses against viruses, Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) of SARS-Cov and discussed some possible immune-based therapy options. You can find their presentation here:
BİLİMSEL KAYNAK 1 : Covid-19 Pandemi Süreci ve Biyobankalar
İBG- Biyobanka ve Biyomoleküler Kaynaklar Platformu’ndan Dr. Sanem Tercan ve Prof. Dr. Neşe Atabey, Tübitak Covid-19 web portalı Bilimsel Araştırma Paylaşım Platformu kapsamında pandemi sürecinde biyobankaların önemi üzerine bir makale hazırladı. Bu yazıya buradan ulaşabilirsiniz: https://covid19.tubitak.gov.tr/bilimsel-arastirma-paylasim-platformu/covid-19-pandemi-sureci-ve-biyobankalar
BİLİMSEL KAYNAK 2 : Pandemi Oluşumunda Zootonik Patojenlerin Önemi
İBG’de Yeni Viral Hastalıklar Laboratuvarı’nın araştırmacı grup lideri Dr. Zeynep Koçer, insanlara hayvanlar tarafından geçen hastalıklar ile ilgili önemli bilgileri paylaştığı ve Tübitak Covid-19 web portalı Bilimsel Araştırma Paylaşım Platformu kapsamında yayınlanan bir makale hazırladı. Buradan tüm metine ulaşabilirsiniz: https://covid19.tubitak.gov.tr/bilimsel-arastirma-paylasim-platformu/pandemi-olusumunda-zoonotik-patojenlerin-onemi